Self Worth Elevation - Turning Dreams Into Gold

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I aways knew that I had to have something for me

I knew that as much as I loved (Love) being a mum, Natasha had to be Natasha as well as Mum, wife, step mum, taxi, housekeeper….. you get the idea

It has always been a bit of a bone of contention between my husband and I (mainly because I hyper focus and everything else goes out of the window)

But here’s what I’ve learnt over the last 17 years


And here’s why…

Because, mainly, I choose too.

Here’s the thing

A lot of women don’t believe that they can have it all.

A lot of women are taught that we have to run on empty to have ‘achieved’ that day

We wear the ‘I’m knackered’ badge like a badge of honour – Why?!

We believe that to do something well we can only do one thing or other things slip by the way side

Equally, we are taught that we have made it when we haven’t let any of the 2000 plates that we are spinning drop that day.

Ok I might have been slightly exaggerating that last point but you get the gist.

This is why I have created Self Worth Elevation – Turning Dreams Into Gold

This is a one module course that has 7 parts to it.

It takes you from frazzled and not knowing where to start, to concrete steps that are achievable and that can be applied to anything and everything.

The common theme with my clients is that their ego, that part of themselves that is scared of success and /or failure, has them spinning and spinning, making the tiny little mole hill into something that resembles the Himalayas and so the procrastination wins, the ego wins because they decided that it was all too much and who did they think they were anyway.

Well my loves, I have a statement for you that I think covers it all


We need women achieving their goals.  All of them, whatever they are.

Here’s why I believe that is so important

Asides from ‘Happy wife, happy life’ I believe and know to be true with my teenagers now, that I have shown them that anything is possible.

I have shown them how to go after their dreams

I have shown them how to notice their egos and get a hold of it, face the fear and do it anyway

And most importantly,


We as women are the wayshowers for the next generation

We are the ones that our children WATCH and base their decisions of capability on

But more than that, I believe that every person on this planet deserves to have all that they dream of, and know that they are worthy of it and it is achievable


Here’s the content to get you started

Starts with self-love.  This because if you are pouring from an empty cup, procrastination, sabotaging yourself, exhaustion and burn out are only what will come.  Making time for yourself to relax and unwind is the first thing that mums need to learn how to truly gift themselves.

What are you focusing on? If your focusing on how you hate your job and that you don’t want to get up on a Monday morning, all you’re going to experience from Monday to Friday is hardship, people moaning at you, things going wrong and it all being your fault. You’re co-creating it, which means that subconsciously you are making it happen.
Let’s start to change that! It is VITAL that you do.   This module shows you how to be aware of the energy that you are in and how it creates your reality

Transmuting energy is vital.  We as humans carry a lot around with us and when we overload our systems and don’t neutralise it we start to create issues in the body.  It’s very easy to create it by not having the awareness, it’s also very easy to release it when you have the information.  This creates the alignment for you, it creates the time, the space for you to be able to allow the dreams to come through that you are going to turn into the gold later

Awareness of language, subconscious thoughts and behaviours is 90% of the battle.  It’s a fact that we only are aware of 5% of our conscious thoughts, leaving 95% running the show in the background.  Most of the time, when we actually listen to what those thoughts say we are able to call nonsense on it, but if we don’t know it’s there is going to stop you going forwards, so we are going to work to hear that and change the negative self-talk and story

How are you feeling with acknowledging your emotions?  Or have you noticed that you bury you them and squash them down?  This follows on from the previous module but is around our emotions rather than our thoughts.  It’s important that we do this groundwork in truly understanding ourselves before we go into the future, because we want that future to be as smooth as possible.

Listen, we will ALWAYS  have stuff come up for us, that little devil on the shoulder whispering sweet naughtiness and nonsense in our ears, but when you apply this work to anything, you have the tools to understand and make new decisions

This module dives deep into what your dreams are.  Here you will really get to know what is on your heart and soul and not just in your head.  Through this module you may find that the two aren’t in sync, and so I would always encourage you to follow your heart.  Trust me, it knows more than the head!

Time to take that inspired action going forwards

This modules dives into what you already have in your tool box.  Too many times do I hear clients want to leave ALL that they have learnt behind them, sometimes years of uni studying.  In my experience so far all I have to say to that is No No No!

Your soul knows and knew exactly what it was doing.  You’re going to bring all that beautiful time, effort energy with you into the future, but remould it, add new things to it and create something new that you desire.  You haven’t learnt those things for no reason, and you might not use it all going forwards but you leave it in the tool box just in case.


  • Lets ELEVATE that self worth of yours
  • Lets get clarity on your dreams and desires
  • Lets get clear on what you already have created in your life that you can use going forwards and
  • Lets create a plan going forwards that you can use again and again


Peer Support Group. Gain access to a private Facebook group exclusive to Self Worth Elevation members

Journal prompts + homework: I’ve added Journal sheets, worksheets and homework to the lessons to really help you gain clarity and integrate this new version of you going forwards

** As always, you have lifetime access to this course and any future updates to the content.

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