Hi! I’m Natasha Louise

A spiritually-driven behavioural psychotherapist, specifically working with mums of neruo diverse children, who are ready to make their dreams a reality. I have trained in many modalities that support fears phobias, stresses and anxiety, the newest being BWRT which stands for BrainWorking Recursive Therapy. Based strongly in Neuroscience, BWRT® can provide effective help with huge numbers of psychological and emotional difficulties with deceptive ease.

I work with essential oils for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing and as an intuitive life coach to support clearing limiting beliefs, stories and low vibrations, to connect you to your inner child, and support that part of you. This allows you to be strong for yourself and your children, not hide in fear.  This work will bring memories to your awareness allowing you to realign back into your adult self, so that you are able to create more joy peace and freedom in your life and the lives of your family.

I have been gifted 3 beautiful children who bring me gifts every day. They all bring me such joy and are gifted human souls. Two of my children have been diagnosed with ADHD and Autism. When I started this work, shifting my limiting beliefs that I had received from caregivers and the world, I quickly noticed the difference in all my children.  Instead of the meltdown, the fear the anger, the fighting and running, they began to soften, listen and communicate and are now THRIVING both emotionally, mentally and educationally.

For over a decade, I’ve worked extensively on learning how negative emotions affect our bodies and minds, and how we pass this onto our children.   These are some of the trainings I use to support you.

Ho’oponopono Practitioner
Experiential Healing Practitioner
BWRT Practitioner
Parts Therapist

Imagine not letting anything stand in your way. Imagine laughing at things that previously would have stressed and frustrated you. Imagine waking up each morning and being excited about what the universe has in store for you that day, knowing it will only be for the good.

Take my hand, walk with me. I cannot heal you, only you can do that. I will not put a plaster on your wounds. It will get messy, you will cry and be sad, BUT it is only for a short while. You have your whole life a head of you. Let me guide you back to you so that you can achieve anything and everything you want in this life.

Why? Because you’re worth it!