Awakened Alchemy: Transforming Dreams into Reality

Unlock Your Potential: Awakened Alchemy Starts This September

Join on an 8 week journey designed specifically for mums seeking to enhance their self-awareness and transform their parenting journey. This journey delves into the core of self-reflection and understanding, empowering you to break free from old patterns and create a nurturing, supportive environment for your children.

What You’ll Learn:
Understanding Self-Awareness: Discover the true meaning of self-awareness and why it’s essential for personal growth and effective parenting.
Healing Childhood Wounds: Learn how to identify and heal your own childhood wounds to prevent projecting them onto your children.
Practical Techniques: Engage in practical exercises and strategies to enhance your self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
Real-Life Applications: Apply these insights to foster better communication, stronger relationships, and a more harmonious home life.

Why Attend?
Boost Your Confidence: Gain the tools and knowledge to reclaim your power and confidence as a parent.
Enhance Relationships: Improve your relationship with your children by understanding and addressing your own emotional triggers.
Create Lasting Change: Experience profound personal growth that positively impacts all areas of your life.



This is a beautiful container for those of you on the beautiful awakening, self-awareness journey, who are ready to take that leap forwards, and bring all those dreams that you have been holding onto, into fruition.​

This journey although lovely and freeing, can bring up a lot of limiting beliefs and puts our ego into fear and so we stop or go into turmoil.

Awakened Alchemy was born out of such a situation.  It is gentle and holding whilst allowing it all to be released in a safe way.

Awakened Alchemy offers a unique life coaching service that helps busy mums to find balance and joy in their lives. I will provide tailored advice, and a bespoke package for you, that helps mums create a fulfilling and joyful lifestyle, so that you can be the best version of yourself. With this support, mums feel empowered and confident to create the life you want for yourself and your family.

Within the 8 week container you will receive 8 1-2-1 powerful guided processes, where we go into past memories to realise the decisions you made between 0-7, to unlock them and release the cords holding you back, allowing you to make different choices from a place of love not fear.
You will also receive check in sessions via Voxer, allowing you to integrate the new energy and start to realign back to your inner Queen.

From this place you will be able to bring those future dreams you have been holding onto, into the now

During these 8 weeks we will uncover and create:

  • Your strategy and authority.  This allows you to work with your body and aura type.  It helps you to understand who you are, how you work and operate and how to get the best out of yourself in a way that is best for you.
  • Your subconscious blocks and beliefs.   We have created programmes and beliefs since the day we were born by watching out peers and caregivers.  They served you then, but most likely don’t serve you now and so we reframe and change the neuropathways to bring your preferred response into the now.
  • Goals and aspirations.  During this process we dive into what it is that you desire and create daily practices to bring it into the present.
  • Self-care and gratitude
  • Energy focus and flow
  • Your ideal … Here we work with your ideal client, job, promotion etc. that you want.


Understanding your own particular form of self-sabotage and how to recognise it.  We all procrastinate and want to binge watch a bit of Netflix, but to what degree are you doing it?  It is hindering you?  Is your ego being sneaky and stopping you?  Do you struggle with visibility or overwhelm?  Or maybe your saboteur is the over achiever or you are a people pleaser? All of this is also covered throughout Awakened Alchemy.

These 8 weeks of conscious continuous and body shifting work will bring your future vision into the now, and how to continuously work with this going forwards.  You will learn practises that you will be able to apply to many things time and again.


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